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联盟成员单位:Burger King推新品植物肉汉堡

中国植物性食品产业联盟成员单位:Burger King推新品植物肉汉堡

Burger King在瑞典推出了两种新的植物汉堡,一种是纯素版的皇堡,称为“叛军皇堡”(Rebel Whopper),另一种是纯素鸡汉堡,称为“叛军鸡王”(Rebel Chicken King)。BK非常满意新产品的味道,口感像肉一样,BK邀请顾客参加50/50的盲检,看看他们是否能尝出区别。

Burger King Sweden recently launched two new plant-based burgers – a vegan version of the Whopper called the Rebel Whopper and a vegan chicken option called Rebel Chicken King. And BK is so confident that the new options taste just like meat that they are inviting customers to a 50 / 50 blind test to see if they can taste the difference.



根据广告平台《小黑皮书》报道,Burger King已经与媒体Ingo Stockholm合作,提供50/50的菜单,该菜单将随机为客户分配肉类或植物肉饼。在盲检过程中,分配到皇堡或鸡王的顾客不知道他们是否会收到肉类或纯素肉饼;顾客首先必须猜测吃的是什么,然后才能通过app找到答案。

According to advertising platform Little Black Book, Burger King has partnered with creative agency Ingo Stockholm to offer the 50 / 50 menu which will randomly assign the customer with either a meat or a plant-based patty. During the blind test, customers who order a Whopper or Chicken King won’t know whether they will receive the meat or the vegan version; they first must guess which they ate and can then discover the answer through an app.



The campaign is part of a drive to encourage meat reduction and to demonstrate that the plant-based burgers are extremely similar in taste to their meat counterparts. The Rebel Whopper and Rebel Chicken King were launched in Sweden last week, and the plan is to roll out across other European countries in the near future.