
2023-10-17 10126 来源:公共营养与健康食品产业服务平台



(1.暨南大学,广东广州 5106322.吕梁学院,山西吕梁,033001 )



Comparative Analysis of Chemical Constituent ofFlos Lonicera Japonicae and Its Application for Virus Resistance

Lin Huafeng 1Rong Minjing 1Wang Haizhen 2,*

(1. Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632; 2. Luliang university, Luliang, 033001)

Abstract: Chinese herbal medicine is an indispensable component part of China's food and pharmaceutical industry. Flos Lonicera Japonicae and Flos Lonicerae Confusae are the homology of medicine and food, and both are traditional Chinese medicinal materials. They both contain organic acids, volatile oils, flavonoids and other important chemical components, and have a variety of physiological activities such as anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic, anti-tumor, and etc. However, there are similarities and differences in medicinal effects between the two of them due to the differences in chemical composition. In this review, the appearance characters and chemical constituents of Flos Lonicera Japonicae and Flos Lonicerae Confusae were compared and differentiated, and the research progress on antiviral effects of Flos Lonicera Japonicae was summarized.

Key words: Appearance characters; Anti-virus; Chemical composition; Flos Lonicerae JaponicaeFlos Lonicerae Confusae

金银花为忍冬科植物忍冬(Lonicera japonica Thunb.)、红腺忍冬(Lonicera hypoglanuca Miq.)、山银花(Lonicera confusa Dc.)、毛花柱忍冬(Lonicera dasystyla Rehd.)或灰毡毛忍冬Lonicera macranthoides hand.)干燥花蕾或带初开的花,为常用中药,具有清热解毒、消痈散结、凉血止痢的功能,主治痈肿、喉痹、丹毒、热毒血痢、风热感冒、温病发热等症。忍冬科植物在我国分布广泛,由于作为金银花唯一来源的忍冬科忍冬的花蕾中含有木犀草苷(C21H20O11),而忍冬科红腺忍冬、灰毡毛忍冬、华南忍冬、毛花柱忍冬这些山银花的来源品种的花蕾中不含有此种成分,因此2005年版《中国药典》中将金银花和山银花作为二个品种单列,而2015年版《中国药典》依然是将山银花和金银花分列2[1].