一等奖论文:生姜精油中6 — 姜酚的高速逆流色谱纯化工艺及抗肿瘤活性

2023-09-28 2014 来源:公共营养与健康食品产业服务平台


(天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院,天津 300457)

摘要:采用HSCCC本文对生姜精油6-姜酚的高速逆流色谱(HSCCC)纯化工艺及抗肿瘤活性进行研究。分离纯化生姜精油中的6-姜酚,通过MTT实验、细胞形态学观察、细胞细胞周期分析、Hoechst33342/PI双染实验及Annexin V-FITC/PI双染实验进一步研究其对人肺癌A549细胞的影响。结果显示生姜精油经过HSCCC技术分离纯化得到的6-姜酚相对百分含量达到84.07%、纯度98.6%;并且随着6-姜酚浓度的增加,6-姜酚抑制A549细胞活力及诱导凋亡的作用效果愈明显。


Purification of Essential Oil from Ginger by High-speed Countercurrent Chromatography and Its Anti-tumor Activity

ZHANG Xiuqing, FAN Mengchen,WANG Lixia*, GUO Yameng,YANG Zihui, WANG Chenxu

(College of Food Science and Engineering, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin 300457, China)

Abstract: In this paper, the purification process of 6-gingerol from ginger essential oil by high-speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC) and its antitumor activity were studied. The 6-gingerol in ginger essential oil was isolated and purified by HSCCC method. The effects of 6-gingerol on human lung cancer A549 cells were further studied by MTT assay, cell morphology observation, cell cycle analysis, Hoechst33342/PI double staining and Annexin V-FITC/PI double staining. The results showed that the relative content and purity of 6-gingerol from ginger essential oil separated and purified by HSCCC technology reached 84.07% and 98.6%, respectively. In addition6-gingerol can inhibit the viability and induce the apoptosis of A549 cells, and the effect was more obvious with the increase of 6-gingerol concentration.

生姜精油也称生姜挥发油,是通过各种萃取、蒸馏等技术从姜根茎中提取得到的挥发性成分[1]。其营养价值和主要药理活性归因于其中的酚类成分,如姜酚、姜烯酚、姜烯和姜酮等 [2-4],有研究表明生姜精油具有良好的防治癌症、抑菌解毒、开胃健脾以及抗黑色素等多种生物活性[5-7]。从天然产物中分离纯化生物活性物质往往是对其进行进一步药理学研究的必要条件,但目前仍有不少研究仅停留在提取物的水平上。6-姜酚作为生姜精油中的主要活性成分之一,研究发现其具有抗衰老、抗氧化、抑菌及保护心脏功能等功能[8-10]。HSCCC是一种流行的分离技术,也是一种液-液分配色谱,具有操作简便、分离效率高等特点[11,12]。本研究利用HSCCC技术对生姜精油中的6-姜酚分离纯化,并进行抗肿瘤活性验证,为生姜精油在保健品、医药等行业中的进一步应用提供了实验依据和数据基础。