一等奖论文:Research progress on medicinal value of Polygonatum sibiricum

2023-10-10 1347 来源:公共营养与健康食品产业服务平台

Research progress on chemical composition and medicinal value of Polygonatum sibiricum

SONG Tian-li; ZHU Tian-run; LIU XuHUAN ShengXIAO Qiang

(1.Department of medicine, Hubei Minzu University ,Enshi 445000, Hubei

2.College of Forestry and Horticulture, Hubei Minzu University,Enshi 445000, Hubei 3.Hubei Key Laboratory of Biological Resources Protection and Utilization of Biological Resources, Enshi 445000, Hubei

4.China Association for Research and  Advancemebt of Chinese Traditional MedicineBeijing 100033 , China5.World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies Chronic Disease Management Committee, Beijing 100029, China

AbstactsObjective:As a medicinal and food plant, Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati is widely used in clinical research and dietary supplementation. In this paper, the chemical composition and medicinal value of Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati, a medicinal and food plant, are reviewed.METHODS: The keywords were searched from China Knowledge, Wanfang, PubMed, Web of science, SCOPUS, and other Chinese and English databases to extract the information related to flavonoids, and hundreds of documents were screened comprehensively.RESULTS: Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati is used as medicine with dried rhizomes, which has the efficacy of strengthening the spleen and vital energy, nourishing the yin and moistening the lungs, benefiting the kidneys and filling up the essence, and it has been specifically discussed in the world's earliest surviving dietary therapy monograph, "Dietary Therapy of the Materia Medica", and it is a typical traditional traditional medicinal food with homologous origin Chinese herbal medicine. Research shows that yellow essence contains many nutrients beneficial to human health, for infectious diseases, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, osteoporosis and other diseases with a certain therapeutic effect, has a high medicinal value.CONCLUSION: Huangjing contains many nutrients beneficial to human health, such as polysaccharides, steroidal saponins, alkaloids, amino acids, quinones, vitamins and other chemical components, which have high medicinal value. The paper takes yellow essence as the research object, and elaborates on its chemical composition, nutritional value, pharmacological action and its mechanism in recent years, with a view to providing sufficient theoretical basis for the comprehensive development of yellow essence in the future.



通讯作者: 肖强 (1970-) , 男, 土家族, 博士,教授, 主要从事特色植物资源开发与利用的研究,基金名称:道地中药材恩施黄精品种选育与富硒栽培及产品加工关键技术研发。E-mail:275975926qq.com。